VBA: crear accde en tiempo de ejecución
Publicado por
Rafael Andrada

'Código del botón Private Sub btnCrear_Click() Dim App As New Access.Application Dim strPathNameNew As String Dim strPathNameNewe As String Dim strPathdbs As String strPathdbs = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "" & Application.CurrentProject.Name strPathNameNew = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "MiApp_tmp.accdb" If Not Dir(strPathNameNew, vbArchive) = "" Then Kill strPathNameNew End If strPathNameNewe = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "MiApp.accde" If Not Dir(strPathNameNewe, vbArchive) = "" Then Kill strPathNameNewe End If Call kbCopyFile(strPathdbs, strPathNameNew) 'Configurar las Propiedades de Inicio del programa Call mcBeginProperties(strPathNameNew) App.AutomationSecurity = 1 'msoAutomationSecurityLow App.SysCmd 603, strPathNameNew, strPathNameNewe Set App = Nothing Kill strPathNameNew 'Introduce tu mensaje personalizado MsgBox "La nueva versión ha sido creada con éxito" End Sub 'Código a incorporar en un módulo estándar Option Compare Database Option Explicit '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crear-accde-en-tiempo-de-ejecucion '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Módulo original : mcCreateNewAccde ' Autor : McPegasus|www.mcpegasus.net|rafael@mcpegasus.net ' Creado : 07/03/2007 ' Revisión : 05/09/2019, 24/07/2019 ' Propósito : crear un fichero accde con las características que queramos ' Funciones : mcCreateaccdePackage ' mcCopiar ' kbCopyFile ' mcPropertiesdbs ' mcBeginProperties ' mcBeginPropertiesII '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Const cstrAppTitle As String = "Nombre de mi App" Const cstrTitle As String = "Título" Const cstrProjectName As String = "Nombre del proyecto VBA" Const cstrAuthor As String = "Autor" Const cstrCompany As String = "Empresa" Const cstrEmail As String = "Mi email" Const cstrWeb As String = "Mi Web" Const cstrPoblación As String = "mi población" Const cstrComments As String = "Mis comentarios" Const cstrStartupForm As String = "frmLogin" Const cstartupRibbon As String = "Ribbon que carga inicialmente" Public Sub mcCreateaccdePackage() Call mcCopiar 'Aquí puedes añadir código que necesites en la nueva versión, como por ejemplo, borrar 'tablas temporales, ... End Sub Sub mcCopiar() Dim App As New Access.Application Dim strPathNameNew As String Dim strPathNameNewe As String Dim strPathdbs As String strPathdbs = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "" & Application.CurrentProject.Name strPathNameNew = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "MiApp_tmp.accdb" If Not Dir(strPathNameNew, vbArchive) = "" Then Kill strPathNameNew End If strPathNameNewe = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "MiApp.accde" If Not Dir(strPathNameNewe, vbArchive) = "" Then Kill strPathNameNewe End If Call kbCopyFile(strPathdbs, strPathNameNew) 'Configurar las Propiedades de Inicio del programa Call mcBeginProperties(strPathNameNew) App.AutomationSecurity = 1 'msoAutomationSecurityLow App.SysCmd 603, strPathNameNew, strPathNameNewe Set App = Nothing Kill strPathNameNew MsgBox "La nueva versión ha sido creada con éxito" End Sub Function kbCopyFile(ByVal Source$, ByVal Destination$) As Long '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crear-accde-en-tiempo-de-ejecucion '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : kbCopyFile ' Autor original : desconocido ' Creado : desconocido ' Propósito : facilitar la copia de un fichero ' Retorno : valor long que indica el tamaño del fichero copiado ' Argumento/s : La sintaxis de la función consta de los siguientes argumentos: ' Parte Modo Descripción '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Source$ Obligatorio Path origen donde se encuentra el fchero a copiar ' Destination$ Obligatorio Path destino donde se grabará el fchero copiado '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Información : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/102671/es '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Index1 As Integer, NumBlocks As Integer Dim SourceFile As Integer, DestFile As Integer Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long, AmountCopied As Long Dim FileData As String Const BlockSize = 32768 On Error GoTo Err_kbCopyFile ' Remove the destination file. DestFile = FreeFile Open Destination For Output As DestFile Close DestFile ' Open the source file to read from. SourceFile = FreeFile Open Source For Binary Access Read As FreeFile ' Open the destination file to write to. DestFile = FreeFile Open Destination For Binary As DestFile ' Get the length of the source file. FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) ' Calculate the number of blocks in the file and left over. NumBlocks = FileLength BlockSize LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize ' Create a buffer for the leftover amount. FileData = String$(LeftOver, 32) ' Read and write the leftover amount. Get SourceFile, , FileData Put DestFile, , FileData ' Create a buffer for a block to be read. FileData = String$(BlockSize, 32) ' Read and write the remaining blocks of data. For Index1 = 1 To NumBlocks ' Read and write one block of data. Get SourceFile, , FileData Put DestFile, , FileData Next Index1 Close SourceFile, DestFile kbCopyFile = AmountCopied Bye_kbCopyFile: Exit Function Err_kbCopyFile: kbCopyFile = -1 * err Resume Bye_kbCopyFile End Function Public Sub mcPropertiesdbs() '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crear-accde-en-tiempo-de-ejecucion '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : mcPropertiesdbs ' Autor : McPegasus|www.mcpegasus.net|rafael@mcpegasus.net ' Creado : 07/03/2007 ' Revisión : 05/09/2019, 24/07/2019 ' Propósito : cambiar las propiedades de la nueva base de datos '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim strNameProperty As String Dim strValueProperty As String On Error GoTo Err_CapturarError 'Título de la aplicación. strNameProperty = "AppTitle" strValueProperty = cstrAppTitle On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Properties.Append CodeDb.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Nombre de Proyecto. 'En caso de ser el mismo valor se produce el error 3709 La clave de búsqueda no se encontró en ningún registro. strNameProperty = cstrProjectName On Error Resume Next Application.SetOption "Project Name", strNameProperty On Error GoTo 0 'Título de la Base de Datos. strNameProperty = "Title" strValueProperty = cstrTitle On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Autor. strNameProperty = "Author" strValueProperty = cstrAuthor On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Organización. strNameProperty = "Company" strValueProperty = cstrCompany On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Último Cambio. strNameProperty = "Category" strValueProperty = Format(Date, "mmm yyyy") On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Número Versión. strNameProperty = "Keywords" strValueProperty = version On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Web. strNameProperty = "pbdpWeb" strValueProperty = cstrWeb On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Email. strNameProperty = "pbdpEmail" strValueProperty = cstrEmail On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Población. strNameProperty = "pbdpPoblación" strValueProperty = cstrPoblación On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!UserDefined.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) 'Comentario. strNameProperty = "Comments" strValueProperty = cstrComments On Error Resume Next CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Delete (strNameProperty) On Error GoTo 0 If Not strValueProperty = "" Then CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.Properties.Append _ CodeDb.Containers!Databases.Documents!SummaryInfo.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, strValueProperty) End If Salida: Exit Sub Err_CapturarError: Select Case err.Number Case Else 'Cazar todos aquellos errores inesperados. MsgBox err.Number & " " & err.Description, vbCritical, "En mcPropertiesdbs." End Select Resume Salida 'Salida a otro procedimiento. End Sub Public Sub mcBeginProperties(ByVal strPathNamedbs As String) '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crear-accde-en-tiempo-de-ejecucion '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : mcBeginProperties y mcBeginPropertiesII ' Autor : McPegasus|www.mcpegasus.net|rafael@mcpegasus.net ' Creado : 07/03/2007 ' Revisión : 05/09/2019, 24/07/2019 ' Propósito : seleccionar la propiedad a cambiar y llamar a la función mcBeginPropertiesII para realizar el cambio ' Argumento : La sintaxis de la función consta del siguiente argumento: ' Parte Modo Descripción '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' strPathNamedbs Obligatorio Path de la base de datos que queremos modificar '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim strNameProperty As String On Error GoTo Err_CapturarError 'Mostrar fichas de documentos. strNameProperty = "ShowDocumentTabs" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, True) 'Permitir el uso de menús no restringidos. strNameProperty = "AllowFullMenus" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Permitir el uso de menús contextuales predeterminados. strNameProperty = "AllowShortcutMenus" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Permitir mostrar código después de un error strNameProperty = "AllowBreakIntoCode" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Mostrar el formulario de inicio strNameProperty = "StartupForm" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, True) 'Mostrar la banda de opciones strNameProperty = "CustomRibbonID" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, True) 'Presentar la ventana Base De Datos al Iniciar. strNameProperty = "StartUpShowDBWindow" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Presentar la Barra de Estado. strNameProperty = "StartUpShowStatusBar" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Permitir el uso de las barras de herramientas incorporadas. strNameProperty = "AllowBuiltInToolbars" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Permitir cambios en barras de herramientas y menús. strNameProperty = "AllowToolbarChanges" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Usar las teclas especiales de Access. strNameProperty = "AllowSpecialKeys" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) 'Permitir Ignorar Inicio (Activar la tecla shift) strNameProperty = "AllowBypassKey" Call mcBeginPropertiesII(strPathNamedbs, strNameProperty, False) Salida: Exit Sub Err_CapturarError: Select Case err.Number Case Else 'Cazar todos aquellos errores inesperados. MsgBox err.Number & " " & err.Description, vbCritical, "En mcBeginProperties." End Select Resume Salida 'Salida a otro procedimiento. End Sub Private Sub mcBeginPropertiesII(ByVal strPathNamedbs As String, ByVal strNameProperty As String, ByVal blnTrue As Boolean) '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crear-accde-en-tiempo-de-ejecucion '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : mcBeginProperties y mcBeginPropertiesII ' Autor : McPegasus|www.mcpegasus.net|rafael@mcpegasus.net ' Creado : 07/03/2007 ' Revisión : 05/09/2019, 24/07/2019 ' Propósito : seleccionar la propiedad a cambiar y llamar a la función mcBeginPropertiesII para realizar el cambio ' Argumentos : La sintaxis de la función consta de los siguientes argumentos: ' Parte Modo Descripción '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' strPathNamedbs Obligatorio Path de la base de datos que queremos modificar ' strNameProperty Obligatorio Nombre de la propiedad que deseamos cambiar ' blnTrue Obligatorio booleano que indica el valor verdadero/false de la propiedad '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim dbs As DAO.Database On Error GoTo Err_CapturarError Set dbs = OpenDatabase(strPathNamedbs, True, False) On Error Resume Next dbs.Properties(strNameProperty) = blnTrue On Error GoTo 0 If strNameProperty = "StartupForm" Then dbs.Properties.Append dbs.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, cstrStartupForm) End If If strNameProperty = "CustomRibbonID" Then dbs.Properties.Append dbs.CreateProperty(strNameProperty, dbText, cstartupRibbon) End If Salida: Exit Sub Err_CapturarError: Select Case err.Number Case 3356 'Intenta abrir una dbs y está ocupada, intentar de nuevo después un breve tiempo. 'Utlizar la función sleep, por ejemplo Case Else 'Cazar errores inesperados. MsgBox err.Number & " " & err.Description, vbCritical, "En mcBeginPropertiesII." End Select End Sub
the row “NumBlocks = FileLength BlockSize” is in error
Hello Lorenzo. Thanks for your comment. This is a transcription error. The correct code is:
NumBlocks = FileLength\BlockSize
many thx Luis Viadel!