Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Procedure : Pluralize
' Author : Mike
' Date : 10/21/2010 - 7/24/2014
' Adapted : Luis Viadel | https://cowtechnologies.net
' Date : 03/04/2022
' Purpose : Formats a phrase to make verbs agree in number.
' Notes : To substitute the absolute value of the number for numbers that can be
' positive or negative, use a custom number format that includes
' both positive and negative formats; e.g., "#;#".
' Usage : Msg = "There [is/are] # record[s]. [It/They] consist[s/] of # part[y/ies] each."
'>>> Pluralize("There [is/are] # record[s]. [It/They] consist[s/] of # part[y/ies] each.", 1)
' There is 1 record. It consists of 1 party each.
'>>> Pluralize("There [is/are] # record[s]. [It/They] consist[s/] of # part[y/ies] each.", 6)
' There are 6 records. They consist of 6 parties each.
'>>> Pluralize("There was a {gain/loss} of # dollar[s].", -50, "#", "#;#")
' There was a loss of 50 dollars.
'>>> Pluralize("I {won/lost} # at the fair. {I was thrilled./I'll never learn.}", 20, "#", "Currency")
' I won $20.00 at the fair. I was thrilled.
'>>> Pluralize("There [is/are] # {more/less} finger[s] on his hand after the surgery.", -1, "#", "#;#")
' There is 1 less finger on his hand after the surgery.
' Adaptation purpose : adapt the function to the Spanish language
' in English: Pluralize("You gambled your life savings and {won/won/lost} #.",i, ,"#,##0 €;#,##0 €;nothing"):Next i
' in spanish: Pluralize("Apostaste los ahorros de tu vida y {ganaste/no ganaste/perdiste} #.",i, ,"#,##0 €;#,##0 €;nada"):Next i
Function Pluralize(Text As String, Num As Variant, _
Optional NumToken As String = "#", _
Optional NumFormat As String = "")
Const OpeningBracket As String = "\["
Const ClosingBracket As String = "\]"
Const OpeningBrace As String = "\{"
Const ClosingBrace As String = "\}"
Const DividingSlash As String = "/"
Const CharGroup As String = "([^\]]*)" 'Group of 0 or more characters not equal to closing bracket
Const BraceGroup As String = "([^\/\}]*)" 'Group of 0 or more characters not equal to closing brace or dividing slash
Dim IsPlural As Boolean, IsNegative As Boolean, IsZero As Boolean
If IsNumeric(Num) Then
IsPlural = (Abs(Num) <> 1)
IsNegative = (Num < 0)
IsZero = (Num = 0) 'Added sapanish adaptation
End If
Dim Msg As String, Pattern As String
Msg = Text
'Replace the number token with the actual number
Msg = Replace(Msg, NumToken, Format(Num, NumFormat))
'Replace [y/ies] style references
Pattern = OpeningBracket & CharGroup & DividingSlash & CharGroup & ClosingBracket
Msg = RegExReplace(Pattern, Msg, "$" & IIf(IsPlural, 2, 1))
'Replace [s] style references
Pattern = OpeningBracket & CharGroup & ClosingBracket
Msg = RegExReplace(Pattern, Msg, IIf(IsPlural, "$1", ""))
'Replace {gain/gain/loss} style references (spanish friendly)
Pattern = OpeningBrace & BraceGroup & DividingSlash & BraceGroup & DividingSlash & BraceGroup & ClosingBrace
Msg = RegExReplace(Pattern, Msg, "$" & IIf(IsZero, 2, (IIf(IsNegative, 3, 1))))
Pluralize = Msg
End Function
' Procedure : RegExReplace
' Author : Mike Wolfe <mike@nolongerset.com>
' Date : 11/4/2010
' Source : https://nolongerset.com/now-you-have-two-problems/
' Purpose : Attempts to replace text in the TextToSearch with text and back references
' from the ReplacePattern for any matches found using SearchPattern.
' Notes - If no matches are found, TextToSearch is returned unaltered. To get
' specific info from a string, use RegExExtract instead.
'>>> RegExReplace("(.*)(\d{3})[\)\s.-](\d{3})[\s.-](\d{4})(.*)", "My phone # is 570.555.1234.", "$1($2)$3-$4$5")
'My phone # is (570)555-1234.
Function RegExReplace(SearchPattern As String, TextToSearch As String, ReplacePattern As String, _
Optional GlobalReplace As Boolean = True, _
Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = False, _
Optional MultiLine As Boolean = False) As String
Dim RE As Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.MultiLine = MultiLine
.Global = GlobalReplace
.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
.Pattern = SearchPattern
End With
RegExReplace = RE.Replace(TextToSearch, ReplacePattern)
End Function