'Módulo estándar: modNubeEtiquetas'
Public Function DoCloud()
' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-nube-de-etiquetas/
' Destello formativo 377
' Título : DoCloud
' Autor original : Philben
' Adaptado : Luis Viadel | luisviadel@access-global.net
' Creado : 28/11/2011
' Adaptado : 18/05/2018
' Propósito : crear la nube de etiquetas
'Test: : para adaptar este código en tu aplicación puedes basarte en este procedimiento test. Copiar el bloque siguiente al
' portapapeles y pega en el editor de VBA.
'Sub DoCloud_Test()
' Call DoCloud
'End Sub
Dim rstTable As DAO.Recordset
Dim oTG
On Error GoTo LinErr
Set oTG = New clsTagCloud
Set oTG.CtlSubForm = Form_EtiquetasContainer.EtiquetasCloud
Set rstTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("etiquetas", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until rstTable.EOF
oTG.AddTag rstTable!etiqnom, rstTable!etiqfrq, "Número de etiquetas : " & rstTable!etiqfrq
Set rstTable = Nothing
With oTG
.FontName = "Century Gothic"
.setFontHexColors "#17365D", "#D6DFEC"
.setFontWeights 700, 200
.setMaxFontSize 24
.setVerticalAlign eVerticalAlign.Baseline
.setTagOrder 0 'Aleatorio
.setOnHoverAttributes False, True, True
End With
Form_EtiquetasContainer!EtiquetasCloud.visible = True
Exit Function
Form_EtiquetasContainer!EtiquetasCloud.visible = False
End Function
'Módulo de clase 1: clsTagCloud'
Option Compare Binary 'pour Like
Option Explicit
' Clase : clsTagCloud v0.91
' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-nube-de-etiquetas/
' Destello formativo 376
' Título : DoCloud
' Autor original : Philben
' Adaptado : Luis Viadel | luisviadel@access-global.net
' Creado : 28/11/2011
' Adaptado : 18/05/2018
' Propósito : gestionar la nube de etiquetas
Public Event onClick(ByVal sMot As String)
Private Const gcsCtlTagName As String = "Tag"
Private Const gclMaxLong As Long = 2 ^ 31 - 1
Private Const gciMinFontWeight As Integer = 100
Private Const gciDefaultFontWeight As Integer = 400
Private Const gciMaxFontWeight As Integer = 900
Private Const gciMinFontSize As Long = 10
Private Const gciMaxFontSize As Long = 22
Private Const gclMinFontColor As Long = 0 'Black
Private Const gclDefaultFontColor As Long = 0
Private Const gclMaxFontColor As Long = &HFFFFFF 'White
Private Const gcsDefaultFontName As String = "Century Gothic"
Public Enum eVerticalAlign
Baseline = 1
End Enum
Public Enum eOrderBy
' TagCroissant
' TagDecroissant
' FrequenceCroissant
' FrequenceDecroissant
End Enum
Private Type tRGB
color As Long
RED As Byte
BLUE As Byte
End Type
Private Type tGeneralParameters
sFontName As String
iFontWeightFrom As Integer
iFontWeightTo As Integer
tFontColorFrom As tRGB
tFontColorTo As tRGB
eVertAlign As eVerticalAlign
lNbTags As Long
lMinFreq As Long
lMaxFreq As Long
iMaxFontSize As Integer
eOrder As eOrderBy
lBackColor As Long
IsOnHoverUnderline As Boolean
IsOnHoverBorder As Boolean
IsOnHoverSwapColors As Boolean
lInitFormWidth As Long
lInitFormHeight As Long
End Type
Private WithEvents goSubFormSection As Access.Section
Private WithEvents goFormSection As Access.Section
Private gCollLabel As Collection
Private goCtlSubForm As Access.SubForm
Private glIdHover As Long, galIndex() As Long
Private gbIsActivate As Boolean
Private gtGenParams As tGeneralParameters
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set gCollLabel = New Collection
With gtGenParams
.sFontName = gcsDefaultFontName
.tFontColorFrom = LongToRGB(gclDefaultFontColor)
.tFontColorTo = LongToRGB(gclDefaultFontColor)
.iFontWeightFrom = gciDefaultFontWeight
.iFontWeightTo = gciDefaultFontWeight
.lMinFreq = gclMaxLong
.iMaxFontSize = gciMaxFontSize
.eOrder = eOrderBy.Aleatoire
.eVertAlign = Bottom
.lBackColor = HexToRGB("#FAFBFC").color
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
gbIsActivate = False
Set goSubFormSection = Nothing
Set goFormSection = Nothing
Set goCtlSubForm = Nothing
Set gCollLabel = Nothing
End Sub
'Establecemos la fuente de las etiquetas
Public Property Let FontName(ByVal sFontName As String)
Dim I As Long
gtGenParams.sFontName = sFontName
For I = 1 To gCollLabel.Count
gCollLabel(I).goLabel.FontName = sFontName
Next I
End Property
Public Property Set CtlSubForm(oCtlSubForm As Access.SubForm)
Set goCtlSubForm = oCtlSubForm
With gtGenParams
.lInitFormHeight = goCtlSubForm.Height
.lInitFormWidth = goCtlSubForm.Width
End With
End Property
Public Property Get IsActivate()
IsActivate = gbIsActivate
End Property
Public Function AddTag(ByVal sText As String, ByVal lFrequency As Long, ByVal sTipText As String) As Boolean
If Not gbIsActivate Then
If gCollLabel.Count = 0 Then
With goCtlSubForm
.Form.InsideWidth = .Width
.Form.InsideHeight = .Height
.Form.visible = False
End With
End If
With gtGenParams
If .lNbTags < gCollLabel.Count Then
.lNbTags = .lNbTags + 1
If lFrequency < .lMinFreq Then .lMinFreq = lFrequency
If lFrequency > .lMaxFreq Then .lMaxFreq = lFrequency
gCollLabel(.lNbTags).SetInfos sText, lFrequency, sTipText
AddTag = True
End If
End With
End If
End Function
Public Sub setBackColor(ByVal sColor As String)
gtGenParams.lBackColor = HexToRGB(sColor).color
End Sub
Public Property Get BackColor() As Long
BackColor = gtGenParams.lBackColor
End Property
Public Sub setOnHoverAttributes(ByVal Underline As Boolean, ByVal Border As Boolean, ByVal SwapColors As Boolean)
With gtGenParams
.IsOnHoverUnderline = Underline
.IsOnHoverBorder = Border
.IsOnHoverSwapColors = SwapColors
End With
End Sub
Public Sub setMaxFontSize(ByVal iSize As Integer)
If iSize >= gciMinFontSize And iSize <= gciMaxFontSize Then gtGenParams.iMaxFontSize = iSize
End Sub
Public Sub setFontLongColors(ByVal lFrom As Long, ByVal lTo As Long)
With gtGenParams
.tFontColorFrom = LongToRGB(lFrom)
.tFontColorTo = LongToRGB(lTo)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub setFontHexColors(ByVal sFrom As String, ByVal sTo As String)
With gtGenParams
.tFontColorFrom = HexToRGB(sFrom)
.tFontColorTo = HexToRGB(sTo)
End With
End Sub
Public Sub setFontWeights(ByVal iFrom As Integer, ByVal iTo As Integer)
With gtGenParams
If iFrom >= gciMinFontWeight And iFrom <= gciMaxFontWeight Then .iFontWeightFrom = iFrom
If iTo >= gciMinFontWeight And iTo <= gciMaxFontWeight Then .iFontWeightTo = iTo
End With
End Sub
Public Sub setVerticalAlign(ByVal eType As eVerticalAlign)
gtGenParams.eVertAlign = eType
End Sub
Public Sub setTagOrder(ByVal eOrder As eOrderBy)
gtGenParams.eOrder = eOrder
End Sub
Public Property Get IsOnHoverUnderline() As Boolean
IsOnHoverUnderline = gtGenParams.IsOnHoverUnderline
End Property
Public Property Get IsOnHoverBorder() As Boolean
IsOnHoverBorder = gtGenParams.IsOnHoverBorder
End Property
Public Property Get IsOnHoverSwapColors() As Boolean
IsOnHoverSwapColors = gtGenParams.IsOnHoverSwapColors
End Property
Public Sub Go()
Dim I As Long
For I = 1 To gtGenParams.lNbTags
Next I
Set oSubFormSection = goCtlSubForm.Form.Section(acDetail)
Set oFormSection = goCtlSubForm.Parent.Section(acDetail)
goCtlSubForm.Form.Section(acDetail).BackColor = gtGenParams.lBackColor
goCtlSubForm.Form.visible = True
gbIsActivate = True
End Sub
Private Property Set oSubFormSection(ByRef oSection As Access.Section)
Set goSubFormSection = oSection
goSubFormSection.OnMouseMove = "[Event Procedure]"
End Property
Private Sub CountCtlTags()
Dim oTCLabel As clsTagCloudLabel
Dim oCtl As Access.control
Dim lCount As Long, lLen As Long
lLen = Len(gcsCtlTagName)
For Each oCtl In goCtlSubForm.Form.Section(acDetail).Controls
If oCtl.ControlType = acLabel And Left$(oCtl.Name, lLen) = gcsCtlTagName Then
lCount = lCount + 1
Set oTCLabel = New clsTagCloudLabel
oTCLabel.Init lCount, Me, oCtl
gCollLabel.Add oTCLabel
End If
Next oCtl
End Sub
Private Sub goSubFormSection_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If glIdHover > 0 Then
glIdHover = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Property Set oFormSection(ByRef oSection As Access.Section)
Set goFormSection = oSection
goFormSection.OnMouseMove = "[Event Procedure]"
End Property
Private Sub goFormSection_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
On Error Resume Next
If glIdHover > 0 Then
glIdHover = 0
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub onHover(ByVal lId As Long)
If glIdHover > 0 Then
End If
glIdHover = lId
End Sub
Friend Sub onClick(ByVal sTag As String)
Dim sFiltro As String
sFiltro = "correoeti01='" & sTag & "'"
sFiltro = sFiltro & " OR " & "correoeti02='" & sTag & "'"
sFiltro = sFiltro & " OR " & "correoeti03='" & sTag & "'"
sFiltro = sFiltro & " OR " & "correoeti04='" & sTag & "'"
sFiltro = sFiltro & " OR " & "correoeti05='" & sTag & "'"
sFiltro = sFiltro & " OR " & "correoeti06='" & sTag & "'"
If Form_EtiquetasContainer.visible = True Then
Form_EtiquetasContainer.Filter = sFiltro
Form_EtiquetasContainer.FilterOn = True
Form_EtiquetasContainer.Filter = sFiltro
Form_EtiquetasContainer.FilterOn = True
End If
'Call DoCloud
'RaiseEvent onClick(lId, sTag)
End Sub
Private Sub ComputeColors()
Dim I As Long
Dim dCstRatio As Double, dRatio As Double
Dim lColor As Long
Dim bCalcRatio As Boolean
With gtGenParams
If .lMaxFreq > .lMinFreq And .tFontColorFrom.color <> .tFontColorTo.color Then
dCstRatio = CDbl(.lMaxFreq - .lMinFreq)
bCalcRatio = True
lColor = .tFontColorFrom.color
End If
End With
For I = 1 To gtGenParams.lNbTags
With gCollLabel(I)
If bCalcRatio Then
dRatio = (.Frequency - gtGenParams.lMinFreq) / dCstRatio
.setForeColor = getGradientColor(dRatio)
.setForeColor = lColor
End If
End With
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub ComputeWeights()
Dim I As Long
Dim dCstRatio As Double
Dim iWeight As Integer
Dim bCalcRatio As Boolean
With gtGenParams
If .iFontWeightFrom < .iFontWeightTo Then
iWeight = .iFontWeightFrom
iWeight = .iFontWeightTo
End If
If .lMaxFreq > .lMinFreq And .iFontWeightFrom <> .iFontWeightTo Then
dCstRatio = CDbl(Abs(.iFontWeightFrom - .iFontWeightTo)) / (.lMaxFreq - .lMinFreq)
bCalcRatio = True
End If
End With
For I = 1 To gtGenParams.lNbTags
With gCollLabel(I)
If bCalcRatio Then
.goLabel.FontWeight = Int(iWeight + (.Frequency - gtGenParams.lMinFreq) * dCstRatio)
.goLabel.FontWeight = iWeight
End If
End With
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub ComputeSizes()
Const clMinSpace As Long = 100
Dim oTCLabel As clsTagCloudLabel
Dim dRatio As Double
Dim lFormWidth As Long, I As Long, lId As Long
Dim iMinFontSize As Integer, iMaxFontSize As Integer
Dim bCalcRatio As Boolean
With gtGenParams
iMaxFontSize = .iMaxFontSize
iMinFontSize = gciMinFontSize
lFormWidth = .lInitFormWidth - 50
If .lMaxFreq > .lMinFreq Then
bCalcRatio = True
dRatio = CDbl(iMaxFontSize - iMinFontSize) / (.lMaxFreq - .lMinFreq)
dRatio = 1
End If
End With
For I = 1 To gtGenParams.lNbTags
Set oTCLabel = gCollLabel(galIndex(I))
With oTCLabel
.CalculSize iMinFontSize, gtGenParams.lMinFreq, dRatio, clMinSpace
If .Width + clMinSpace > lFormWidth Then
With gtGenParams
If iMaxFontSize > gciMinFontSize Then
iMaxFontSize = Int(iMaxFontSize * (CDbl(lFormWidth / (oTCLabel.Width + clMinSpace))))
If iMaxFontSize < gciMinFontSize Then iMaxFontSize = gciMinFontSize
If bCalcRatio Then
dRatio = CDbl(iMaxFontSize - iMinFontSize) / (.lMaxFreq - .lMinFreq)
iMinFontSize = iMaxFontSize
End If
lId = I
End If
End With
End If
End With
Next I
For I = 1 To lId
gCollLabel(galIndex(I)).CalculSize iMinFontSize, gtGenParams.lMinFreq, dRatio, clMinSpace
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub ComputePositions()
Const clMargeX As Long = 25
Const clMargeY As Long = 20
Dim I As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, lLblPerLine As Long
Dim lLineHeight As Long, lFormWidth As Long
goCtlSubForm.Form.InsideWidth = gtGenParams.lInitFormWidth
lFormWidth = goCtlSubForm.Form.InsideWidth
lLblPerLine = 0
X = clMargeX
Y = clMargeY
For I = 1 To gtGenParams.lNbTags
With gCollLabel(galIndex(I))
If X + .Width + 1 > lFormWidth Then
UpdateHeight Y + lLineHeight + clMargeY
setLineTags I, lFormWidth, Y, lLineHeight, lLblPerLine, X, clMargeX
X = clMargeX
lLblPerLine = 0
Y = Y + lLineHeight + clMargeY
lLineHeight = .Height
ElseIf .Height > lLineHeight Then
lLineHeight = .Height
End If
X = X + .Width + clMargeX
lLblPerLine = lLblPerLine + 1
End With
Next I
UpdateHeight Y + lLineHeight + clMargeY
setLineTags I, lFormWidth, Y, lLineHeight, lLblPerLine, X, clMargeX
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateHeight(ByVal lHeight As Long)
If goCtlSubForm.Parent.Section(acDetail).Height < goCtlSubForm.Top + lHeight Then
goCtlSubForm.Parent.Section(acDetail).Height = goCtlSubForm.Top + lHeight
End If
goCtlSubForm.Height = lHeight
goCtlSubForm.Form.Section(acDetail).Height = goCtlSubForm.Height
End Sub
Private Sub setLineTags(ByVal lIdCurTag As Long, ByVal lFormWidth As Long, ByVal Y As Long, _
ByVal lLineHeight As Long, ByVal lNbTags As Long, ByVal xMax As Long, ByVal lMargeX As Long)
Dim xSpace As Long, X As Long, I As Long
xSpace = CDbl(lFormWidth - xMax) / lNbTags
X = lMargeX
For I = lIdCurTag - lNbTags To lIdCurTag - 1
With gCollLabel(galIndex(I))
.SetPos X, Y, xSpace, lLineHeight, gtGenParams.eVertAlign
X = X + .Width + lMargeX
End With
Next I
End Sub
Private Function LongToRGB(ByVal lColor As Long) As tRGB
If lColor >= gclMinFontColor And lColor <= gclMaxFontColor Then
With LongToRGB
.RED = lColor Mod &H100
.GREEN = (lColor \ &H100) Mod &H100
.BLUE = (lColor \ &H10000) Mod &H100
.color = lColor
End With
End If
End Function
Private Function getGradientColor(ByVal dRatio As Double) As Long
Dim tColor As tRGB
With gtGenParams
tColor.RED = .tFontColorFrom.RED * dRatio + .tFontColorTo.RED * (1 - dRatio)
tColor.GREEN = .tFontColorFrom.GREEN * dRatio + .tFontColorTo.GREEN * (1 - dRatio)
tColor.BLUE = .tFontColorFrom.BLUE * dRatio + .tFontColorTo.BLUE * (1 - dRatio)
End With
getGradientColor = rgb(tColor.RED, tColor.GREEN, tColor.BLUE)
End Function
Private Function HexToRGB(ByVal sHexColor As String) As tRGB
sHexColor = Replace(Trim$(sHexColor), "#", "")
If Len(sHexColor) = 6 Then
With HexToRGB
.RED = val("&H" & Left$(sHexColor, 2))
.GREEN = val("&H" & Mid$(sHexColor, 3, 2))
.BLUE = val("&H" & Right$(sHexColor, 2))
.color = rgb(.RED, .GREEN, .BLUE)
End With
End If
End Function
Private Sub DoIndex()
Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Long, lMax As Long
lMax = gtGenParams.lNbTags
ReDim galIndex(1 To lMax)
For I = 1 To lMax
galIndex(I) = I
Next I
If gtGenParams.eOrder = eOrderBy.Aleatoire Then
For I = 1 To lMax - 1
J = Int((lMax - I + 1) * Rnd) + I
K = galIndex(I)
galIndex(I) = galIndex(J)
galIndex(J) = K
Next I
ShellSortIndex 1, lMax
End If
End Sub
'Devuelve el ínidice de las etiquetas
Public Sub ShellSortIndex(ByVal lLowerBound As Long, ByVal lUpperBound As Long)
Dim I As Long, lIdx As Long, lRefIdx As Long, lInc As Long, N As Long, lMin As Long, lGapIdx As Long
Dim vRefVal As Variant, avGap As Variant
N = lUpperBound - lLowerBound + 1
avGap = VBA.Array(1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 132, 301, 701, 1750, 4254, 10321, 25040, 60748, 147376, 357535, 867381, 2104267, 5104953)
lGapIdx = UBound(avGap)
While avGap(lGapIdx) >= N: lGapIdx = lGapIdx - 1: Wend
With gCollLabel
While lGapIdx >= 0
lInc = avGap(lGapIdx)
lMin = lLowerBound + lInc
For I = lMin To lUpperBound
lIdx = I
lRefIdx = galIndex(lIdx)
vRefVal = .Item(lRefIdx).Frequency
galIndex(lIdx) = lRefIdx
Next I
lGapIdx = lGapIdx - 1
End With
End Sub
'Módulo de clase 2: clsTagCloudlabel'
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Clase : clsTagCloudLabel v0.9
' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-nube-de-etiquetas/
' Destello formativo 376
' Título : DoCloud
' Autor original : Philben
' Adaptado : Luis Viadel | luisviadel@access-global.net
' Creado : 28/11/2011
' Adaptado : 18/05/2018
' Propósito : gestionar las etiquetas de la nube
Private Const gcsActiveEvent As String = "[Event Procedure]"
Public WithEvents goLabel As Access.Label
Private goTagCloud As clsTagCloud
Private gbOver As Boolean
Private glId As Long, glFrequency As Long, glFontSize As Long, glCtlWidth As Long, glCtlHeight As Long, glForeColor As Long
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
With goLabel
.visible = False
.OnMouseMove = vbNullString
End With
End Sub
Public Property Get Width() As Long
Width = glCtlWidth
End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Long
Height = glCtlHeight
End Property
Public Property Get Frequency() As Long
Frequency = glFrequency
End Property
Public Property Get Tag()
Tag = goLabel.Caption
End Property
Public Sub Init(ByVal lId As Long, ByRef oParent As clsTagCloud, ByRef oLabel As Access.Label)
glId = lId
Set goTagCloud = oParent
Set goLabel = oLabel
With goLabel
.OnMouseMove = vbNullString
.visible = False
.FontUnderline = False
.FontItalic = False
.BorderStyle = 0
.BackStyle = 0
End With
End Sub
Public Sub SetInfos(ByVal sText As String, ByVal lFrequency As Long, ByVal sTipText As String)
goLabel.Caption = sText
goLabel.ControlTipText = sTipText
glFrequency = lFrequency
End Sub
Public Property Let setForeColor(ByVal lForeColor As Long)
glForeColor = lForeColor
End Property
Public Sub NoHover()
With goLabel
.FontUnderline = False
If goTagCloud.IsOnHoverSwapColors Then
.ForeColor = glForeColor
.BackColor = goTagCloud.BackColor
.BackStyle = 0
End If
.BorderStyle = 0
End With
gbOver = False
End Sub
Public Sub CalculSize(ByVal lMinFontSize As Long, ByVal lMinFreq As Long, ByVal dRatio As Double, ByVal lMinSpace As Long)
Const clMinHeight As Long = 40
Const clKey As Long = 51488399
glFontSize = Int(lMinFontSize + (glFrequency - lMinFreq) * dRatio)
WizHook.Key = clKey
With goLabel
Call WizHook.TwipsFromFont(.FontName, glFontSize, .FontWeight, False, _
goTagCloud.IsOnHoverUnderline, 0, .Caption, 0, glCtlWidth, glCtlHeight)
End With
glCtlWidth = glCtlWidth + lMinSpace
glCtlHeight = glCtlHeight + clMinHeight
End Sub
Public Sub SetPos(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal xSpace As Long, ByVal Height As Long, ByVal eVertAlign As eVerticalAlign)
glCtlWidth = glCtlWidth + xSpace
With goLabel
.Left = X
.Width = glCtlWidth
.Height = glCtlHeight
Select Case eVertAlign
Case eVerticalAlign.Baseline
.Top = Y + (Height - glCtlHeight) / 1.23
Case eVerticalAlign.Bottom
.Top = Y + Height - glCtlHeight
Case eVerticalAlign.Center
.Top = Y + (Height - glCtlHeight) / 2
Case eVerticalAlign.Top
.Top = Y
End Select
End With
End Sub
Public Sub Activate()
With goLabel
.FontSize = glFontSize
.ForeColor = glForeColor
.visible = True
.OnMouseMove = gcsActiveEvent
End With
End Sub
Private Sub goLabel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If goTagCloud.IsActivate Then
With goLabel
If Not gbOver Then
gbOver = True
.FontUnderline = goTagCloud.IsOnHoverUnderline
If goTagCloud.IsOnHoverBorder Then
.BorderStyle = 1
.BorderWidth = 1
.BorderColor = 0
End If
If goTagCloud.IsOnHoverSwapColors Then
.BackColor = glForeColor
.ForeColor = goTagCloud.BackColor
.BackStyle = 1
End If
goTagCloud.onHover glId
End If
If Button = acLeftButton Then
Application.Echo False
DoCmd.Hourglass True
goTagCloud.onClick goLabel.Caption
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Application.Echo True
End If
End With
End If
End Sub