(Formulario Drag&Drop)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Cerrar_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "TreeViewDragDrop"
Set tv = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CollapseAll_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim objnode
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To TV1.Nodes.Count - 1
TV1.Nodes(I).Expanded = False
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub ExpandAll_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim objnode
On Error Resume Next
'Recorre los nodos y los expande mediante la porpiedad "Expanded"
For I = 1 To TV1.Nodes.Count - 1
TV1.Nodes(I).Expanded = True
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Call CreaTreeViewProductos
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To TV1.Nodes.Count - 1
TV1.Nodes(I).Expanded = True
Next I
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes(1)
With objnode
.Selected = True
End With
Set objnode = Nothing
Set tv = Me.TV1.Object
Set imgListObj = Me.TV1ImageList.Object
tv.ImageList = imgListObj
End Sub
Private Function CreaTreeViewProductos()
' Fuente : https://access-global.net/drag-drop-en-access
' Título : CreaTreeViewProductos
' Autor original : Luis Viadel | https://cowtechnologies.net
' Creado : febrero 2018
' Propósito : crear un treeview con los tipos (elementos de la tabla "tipo")
' Retorno : sin retorno
' Argumento/s : no precisa ningún argumento
'Test: : Para adaptar este código en tu aplicación puedes basarte en este procedimiento test. el bloque siguiente al
' portapapeles y pega en el editor de VBA en el evento de carga de cualquier formulario que desees.
' Private Sub Form_load()
' Call CreaTreeViewProductos
' End Sub
Dim tipo2 As String
tipo2 = "Productos"
lngGrey = rgb(150, 150, 150)
With Me.TV1ImageList
With .ListImages
.Add Key:="ImgProductos", Picture:=LoadPicture(CurrentProject.Path & "\Galería\Productos.bmp")
End With
End With
With Me.TV1
.style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText
.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
.Indentation = 240
.Appearance = ccFlat
.HideSelection = False
.BorderStyle = ccFixedSingle
.HotTracking = True
.FullRowSelect = False
.CheckBoxes = False
.SingleSel = False
.Sorted = False
.Scroll = True
.LabelEdit = tvwManual
.Font.Name = "Century Gothic"
.Font.Size = 10
.ImageList = Me.TV1ImageList.Object
End With
'Añadimos el root productos
nodeKey = "n0"
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes.Add(, , nodeKey, tipo2)
objnode.ForeColor = lngGrey
objnode.Image = "ImgProductos"
Set objnode = Nothing
'Añadimos todos los nodos
Set rstTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tipo WHERE tipocod=2 ORDER BY idtipo ASC")
Do Until rstTable.EOF
nodeKey = "n" & rstTable!idtipo
If Not IsNull(rstTable!tipopadre) Then
parentKey = "n" & rstTable!tipopadre
parentKey = "n0"
End If
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes.Add(parentKey, tvwChild, nodeKey, rstTable!tiponom)
objnode.ForeColor = lngGrey
objnode.Image = "ImgProductos"
Set objnode = Nothing
Set rstTable = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub TV1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Object)
Dim SelectionNode As MSComctlLib.Node
'Ensure that the clicked node equals the selected node in the tree
If Not Node Is Nothing Then
Set SelectionNode = Node
If SelectionNode.Expanded = True Then
SelectionNode.Expanded = False
SelectionNode.Expanded = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEStartDrag(Data As Object, AllowedEffects As Long)
Set Me.TV1.SelectedItem = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEDragOver(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer)
Dim SelectedNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim nodOver As MSComctlLib.Node
If tv.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
'Selecciona un nodo si no hay uno seleccionado
Set SelectedNode = tv.HitTest(x, y)
If Not SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
SelectedNode.Selected = True
End If
If tv.HitTest(x, y) Is Nothing Then
'En este sitio puedes poner la función que quieras
'Marca el nodo sobre el que se posiciona el ratón
Set nodOver = tv.HitTest(x, y)
Set tv.DropHighlight = nodOver
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEDragDrop(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim sourceNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim SourceParentNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim targetNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim tmpRootNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim strtmpNodKey As String
Dim ChildNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim strSPKey As String
Dim strTargetKey As String
Dim strsQL As String
Dim intKey As Integer
Dim intPKey As Integer
Set sourceNode = tv.SelectedItem
Set SourceParentNode = sourceNode.Parent
Set targetNode = tv.HitTest(x, y)
On Error GoTo LinError
If SourceParentNode Is Nothing Then
strSPKey = "Empty"
strSPKey = SourceParentNode.Key
End If
Select Case True
Case targetNode Is Nothing
strTargetKey = "Empty"
Case targetNode.Key = ""
strTargetKey = "Empty"
Set targetNode = Nothing
Case Else
strTargetKey = targetNode.Key
End Select
If strTargetKey = strSPKey Then Exit Sub
Set sourceNode.Parent = targetNode
If targetNode Is Nothing Then
intKey = Val(Mid(sourceNode.Key, 2))
strsQL = "UPDATE tipo SET tipopadre = Null WHERE idtipo = " & intKey
intKey = Val(Mid(sourceNode.Key, 2))
intPKey = Val(Mid(targetNode.Key, 2))
strsQL = "UPDATE tipo SET tipopadre = " & intPKey & " WHERE idtipo = " & intKey
End If
'Modifica la tabla con el nuevo cambio de arrastrar
CurrentDb.Execute strsQL, dbFailOnError
If sourceNode.Parent Is Nothing Then
sourceNode.Root.Sorted = True
sourceNode.Parent.Sorted = True
End If
tv.Nodes(sourceNode.Key).Selected = True
Exit Sub
'Crea el control de errores que más te guste
CreaTreeViewProductos 'Refresca el TreeView con los datos iniciales
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLECompleteDrag(Effect As Long)
Set tv.DropHighlight = Nothing
End Sub
(Formulario TreeView ejemplo)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Cerrar_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "TreeViewEjemplo"
End Sub
Private Sub CollapseAll_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim objnode
On Error Resume Next
For I = 1 To TV1.Nodes.Count - 1
TV1.Nodes(I).Expanded = False
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub ExpandAll_Click()
Dim I As Integer
Dim objnode
On Error Resume Next
'Recorre los nodos y los expande mediante la porpiedad "Expanded"
For I = 1 To TV1.Nodes.Count - 1
TV1.Nodes(I).Expanded = True
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Object)
Dim objnode As Node
Dim Nom As String
'Capturamos el nombre del nodo
Nom = TV1.SelectedItem
Debug.Print Nom
'Cambiamos la imagen del nodo
Set objnode = TV1.SelectedItem
objnode.Image = "OpenFolder"
Debug.Print objnode.FirstSibling
Debug.Print objnode.Root
objnode.Bold = True
objnode.BackColor = vbGreen
Set objnode = Nothing
'Podemos incluir cualquier función que queramos
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Lite1 = "TreeView series: Nodos"
With Me.TVImageList
With .ListImages
.Add Key:="OpenFolder", Picture:=LoadPicture(CurrentProject.Path & "\Galería\OpenFolder.bmp")
.Add Key:="ClosedFolder", Picture:=LoadPicture(CurrentProject.Path & "\Galería\ClosedFolder.bmp")
.Add Key:="File", Picture:=LoadPicture(CurrentProject.Path & "\Galería\File.bmp")
End With
End With
With Me.TV1
'Limpia los nodos
'Apariencia: ccFlat | cc3D
.Appearance = ccFlat
'Estilo del borde: ccNone | ccFixedSingle
.BorderStyle = ccFixedSingle
'Incluye o no objetos checkbox
.CheckBoxes = False
'Activado o desactivado
.Enabled = True
'Tipo de letra
.Font.Name = "Century Gothic"
'Tamaño de letra
.Font.Size = 9
'Selección de fila completa: indica si el resalte abarca al ancho de TreeView
.FullRowSelect = False
' .Height
'Selección oculta: Obtiene o establece un valor que indica si el nodo seleccionado permanece resaltado incluso cuando el objeto ha perdido el foco.
.HideSelection = False
'Indica si los nodos proporcionan comentarios cuando el mouse se mueve sobre ellos
.HotTracking = True
'Sangía: ancho de sangría de los nodos, en píxeles
.Indentation = 570
'Edición de etiquetas: dos opciones tvwAutomatic | tvwManual
.LabelEdit = tvwManual
'Estilo de líneas: tvwTreeLines | tvwRootLines
.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
'Icono del ratón: ccDefault | ccArrow | ccCross | ccIBeam | ccIcon | ccSize | ccSizeNESW | ccSizeNS | ccSizeNWSE | ccSizeEW | ccUpArrow | ccHourglass | ccNoDrop | ccArrowHourglass | ccArrowQuestion | ccSizeAll | ccCustom
' .MousePointer
' .PathSeparator
'Desplazamiento: sí o no
.Scroll = True
'Selección única
.SingleSel = False
'Ordenación:Cuando se establece en falso (predeterminado), los nodos se mostrarán en el orden en que se agregaron a la matriz .Nodes. Cuando se establece en verdadero, los nodos se ordenarán alfabéticamente.
.Sorted = True
'Estilo: tvwTextOnly | tvwPictureText | tvwPlusMinusText | tvwPlusPictureText | tvwTreelinesText | tvwTreelinesPictureText | tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText | tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText )
.style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusPictureText
' .Width 'Ancho
.ImageList = Me.TVImageList.Object
End With
Call createTree
End Sub
Private Sub createTree()
Dim nomold As String
On Error Resume Next
lngGrey = rgb(150, 150, 150)
Keynod = "1"
Keynod1 = "1"
Keynod2 = "1"
Set rstTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ConsultaEjemploTreeView")
Do Until rstTable.EOF
If nomold = rstTable!doctree1nom Then GoTo LinNext
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes.Add(, tvwChild, "A" + Keynod, rstTable!doctree1nom)
objnode.Selected = False
objnode.ForeColor = lngGrey
objnode.Image = "ClosedFolder"
Call SubNodes1(rstTable!doctree1nom, Keynod)
Keynod = str(CInt(Keynod) + 1)
nomold = rstTable!doctree1nom
Set objnode = Nothing
Set rstTable = Nothing
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes(1)
With objnode
.Selected = True
End With
Set objnode = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SubNodes1(ByVal F1 As String, ByVal Keynod As String)
Dim objnode As Node
Set rstTable1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM ConsultaEjemploTreeView WHERE doctree1nom like '" & F1 & "'")
Do Until rstTable1.EOF
If Not IsNull(rstTable1!iddoctree2) Then
Set objnode = TV1.Nodes.Add("A" + Keynod, tvwChild, "B" + Keynod1, rstTable1!doctree2nom)
objnode.Selected = False
objnode.ForeColor = lngGrey
objnode.Image = "ClosedFolder"
Keynod1 = str(CInt(Keynod1) + 1)
End If
Set rstTable1 = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEStartDrag(Data As Object, AllowedEffects As Long)
Set Me.TV1.SelectedItem = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEDragOver(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single, State As Integer)
Dim SelectedNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim nodOver As MSComctlLib.Node
If tv.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
'Select a node if one is not selected
Set SelectedNode = tv.HitTest(x, y)
If Not SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
SelectedNode.Selected = True
End If
If tv.HitTest(x, y) Is Nothing Then
'do nothing
'Highlight the node the mouse is over
Set nodOver = tv.HitTest(x, y)
Set tv.DropHighlight = nodOver
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLEDragDrop(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim sourceNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim SourceParentNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim targetNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim tmpRootNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim strtmpNodKey As String
Dim ChildNode As MSComctlLib.Node
Dim strSPKey As String
Dim strTargetKey As String
Dim strsQL As String
Dim intKey As Integer
Dim intPKey As Integer
Set sourceNode = tv.SelectedItem
Set SourceParentNode = sourceNode.Parent
Set targetNode = tv.HitTest(x, y)
On Error GoTo LinError
If SourceParentNode Is Nothing Then
strSPKey = "Empty"
strSPKey = SourceParentNode.Key
End If
Select Case True
Case targetNode Is Nothing
strTargetKey = "Empty"
Case targetNode.Key = ""
strTargetKey = "Empty"
Set targetNode = Nothing
Case Else
strTargetKey = targetNode.Key
End Select
If strTargetKey = strSPKey Then Exit Sub
Set sourceNode.Parent = targetNode
If targetNode Is Nothing Then
intKey = Val(Mid(sourceNode.Key, 2))
strsQL = "UPDATE tipo SET tipopadre = Null WHERE idtipo = " & intKey
intKey = Val(Mid(sourceNode.Key, 2))
intPKey = Val(Mid(targetNode.Key, 2))
strsQL = "UPDATE tipo SET tipopadre = " & intPKey & " WHERE idtipo = " & intKey
End If
'Modifica la tabla con el nuevo cambio de arrastrar
CurrentDb.Execute strsQL, dbFailOnError
If sourceNode.Parent Is Nothing Then
sourceNode.Root.Sorted = True
sourceNode.Parent.Sorted = True
End If
tv.Nodes(sourceNode.Key).Selected = True
Exit Sub
'Crea el control de errores que más te guste
End Sub
Private Sub TV1_OLECompleteDrag(Effect As Long)
Set tv.DropHighlight = Nothing
End Sub