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30/05/2023VBA: formularios emergentes superpuestos
05/06/2023Módulo: modBcFunc Option Compare Database Option Explicit Sub bb_putbits(ByRef parr As Variant, ByRef ppos As Integer, pa As Variant, ByVal plen As Integer) Dim i As Integer, b As Integer, w As Long, l As Integer, j As Integer Dim dw As Double Dim x(7) As Byte Dim y As Variant w = VarType(pa) If w = 17 Or w = 2 Or w = 3 Or w = 5 Then If plen > 56 Then Exit Sub dw = pa l = plen If l < 56 Then dw = dw * 2 ^ (56 - l) i = 0 Do While i < 6 And dw > 0# w = Int(dw / 2 ^ 48) x(i) = w Mod 256 dw = dw - 2 ^ 48 * w dw = dw * 256 l = l - 8 i = i + 1 Loop y = x ElseIf InStr("Integer(),Byte(),Long(),Variant()", TypeName(pa)) > 0 Then y = pa Else MsgBox TypeName(pa), "Unknown type" Exit Sub End If i = Int(ppos / 8) + 1 b = ppos Mod 8 j = LBound(y) l = plen Do While l > 0 If j <= UBound(y) Then w = y(j) j = j + 1 Else w = 0 End If If (l < 8) Then w = w And (256 - 2 ^ (8 - l)) If b > 0 Then w = w * 2 ^ (8 - b) parr(i) = parr(i) Or Int(w / 256) parr(i + 1) = parr(i + 1) Or (w And 255) Else parr(i) = parr(i) Or (w And 255) End If If l < 8 Then ppos = ppos + l l = 0 Else ppos = ppos + 8 i = i + 1 l = l - 8 End If Loop End Sub Módulo: modFormFunc Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Enum enuERROR_CORRECTION l '= "l" m '= "m" q '= "Q" h '= "h" End Enum #If 1 = 2 Then Dim l, m, q, h #End If Declare PtrSafe Sub wlib_AccColorDialog Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#53" (ByVal Hwnd As LongPtr, lngRGB As Long) Function ColorPickerDialog() As Long Dim lngColor As Long wlib_AccColorDialog Screen.ActiveForm.Hwnd, lngColor ColorPickerDialog = lngColor End Function Módulo: modGenera Option Explicit Public Const bcQR = 6 'QR Code Public Function EncodeBarcode(TextControlName As Control, ReportControlName As Object, code As String, pBcType As Integer, _ Optional Mils As Long = 20, Optional DPI As Long = 300, Optional ApplyTilde As Integer = 0, Optional EncodingMode As Integer = 0, Optional preferredFormat As Integer = -1, Optional Orientation As Long = 0, _ Optional pGrafico As Integer = 1, Optional pParams As Integer = 0, Optional pZones As Integer = 2) 'As String '@ Currency '$ String '# Double '% Integer '& Long '! Single Dim s As String, bcType As Integer, ModGrafico As Integer, params As Integer, zones As Integer Dim oo As Object zones = pZones params = pParams ModGrafico = pGrafico bcType = pBcType If bcType = 51 Then ' QRCode params: ECLevel 0=M 1=L 2=Q 3=H s = "mode=" & Mid("MLQH", (params Mod 4) + 1, 1) s = qr_gen(code, s) Else Exit Function End If If ModGrafico <> 0 Then If bcType >= 50 Then Call bc_2Dms(TextControlName, ReportControlName, s, , Mils, DPI, ApplyTilde, EncodingMode, preferredFormat, Orientation) End If EncodeBarcode = "" Else EncodeBarcode = s End If Exit Function End Function Function AscL(s As String) As Long AscL = AscW(s) End Function Public Function wzGetFileToOpen(Optional ByVal Initial As String) As String Dim wzhwndOwner As Long Dim wzAppName As String Dim wzDlgTitle As String Dim wzOpenTitle As String Dim wzFile As String Dim wzInitialDir As String Dim wzFilter As String Dim wzFilterIndex As Long Dim wzView As Long Dim wzflags As Long Dim wzfOpen As Boolean Dim ret As Long Dim fso As Object If fso Is Nothing Then Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Trim(Initial) = "" Then Initial = fso.GetParentFolderName(CurrentProject.Path) End If WizHook.Key = 51488399 wzhwndOwner = 0& wzAppName = "Generador QR" wzDlgTitle = "Abrir fichero" wzOpenTitle = "Cargar Logo" wzFile = String(255, Chr(0)) wzInitialDir = Initial wzFilter = "Imagen " _ & "(*.jpg;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif)" wzFilterIndex = 1 wzView = 1 wzflags = 64 wzfOpen = True ret = WizHook.GetFileName(wzhwndOwner, _ wzAppName, wzDlgTitle, wzOpenTitle, wzFile, _ wzInitialDir, wzFilter, wzFilterIndex, _ wzView, wzflags, wzfOpen) ' Si no se ha pulsado el botón Cancelar (-302) If ret <> -302 Then wzGetFileToOpen = wzFile End If Set fso = Nothing End Function Módulo: modGraficos Option Compare Database Option Explicit '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crea-codigos-qr-sin-conexion-a-internet/ '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : modGraficos ' Autor original : Alba Salvá ' Adaptado : desde lenguaje C por Alba Salvá ' Creado : 2010 ' Propósito : generación de los gráficos '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub bc_2Dms(TextControlName As Control, ReportControlName As Object, _ xBC As String, Optional xNam As String, _ Optional Mils As Long = 40, Optional DPI As Long = 300, _ Optional ApplyTilde As Integer = 0, Optional EncodingMode As Integer = 0, _ Optional preferredFormat As Integer = -1, Optional Orientation As Long = 0) Dim xAddr As String Dim xPosOldX As Double, xPosOldY As Double Dim xSizeOldW As Double, xSizeOldH As Double Dim x As Long, y As Long, m As Integer, dm As Integer Dim a As Double Dim b As Integer, n As Integer, w As Integer, p As String, s As String, h As Integer, g As Integer Dim maxX As Long, maxY As Long Dim obPoint As clsPoint Dim colPoints As Collection Dim CurrentValue As Long Dim WeightValue As Long Dim Factor As Long Dim XPixles As Long Dim CanvasCurrentX As Long Dim CanvasCurrentY As Long Dim CanvasTop As Long Dim CanvasHeight As Long Dim CanvasWidth As Long Dim j1 As Integer Dim i1 As Integer If IsMissing(xNam) Then xAddr = "QR" Else xAddr = xNam End If xSizeOldW = 0 xSizeOldH = 0 x = 0# y = 0# 'm = 2.5 m = 1 dm = m * 2# a = 0# p = Trim(xBC) b = Len(p) For n = 1 To b w = AscL(Mid(p, n, 1)) Mod 256 If (w >= 97 And w <= 112) Then a = a + dm ElseIf w = 10 Or n = b Then If x < a Then x = a y = y + dm a = 0# End If Next n If x <= 0# Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next '*** ' Aqui empieza el gráfico '*** On Error GoTo 0 'Inicializamos variables x = 0# y = 0# g = 0 If Not colPoints Is Nothing Then Set colPoints = Nothing End If Set colPoints = New Collection For n = 1 To b w = AscL(Mid(p, n, 1)) Mod 256 If w = 10 Then x = 0 y = y + 2 ElseIf (w >= 97 And w <= 112) Then w = w - 97 Select Case w Case 1: 'X- '-- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Case 2: '-X '-- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Case 3: 'XX '-- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Case 4: '-- 'X- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 5: 'X- 'X- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 6: '-X 'X- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 7: 'XX 'X- Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 8: '-- '-X Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 9: 'X- '-X Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 10: '-X '-X Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 11: 'XX '-X Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 12: '-- 'XX Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 13: 'X- 'XX Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 14: '-X 'XX Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Case 15: 'XX 'XX Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint Set obPoint = New clsPoint obPoint.x = x + 1 obPoint.y = y + 1 colPoints.Add obPoint End Select x = x + 2 End If Next n For Each obPoint In colPoints If maxX < obPoint.x Then maxX = obPoint.x If maxY < obPoint.y Then maxY = obPoint.y Next ReDim resultBitmap(maxX, maxY) For x = 0 To maxX For y = 0 To maxY: resultBitmap(x, y) = 0: Next Next For Each obPoint In colPoints resultBitmap(obPoint.x, obPoint.y) = 1 Next If DPI < 301 And Mils < 8 Then Mils = 8 If DPI < 204 And Mils < 12 Then Mils = 12 CurrentValue = Mils * 1.44 WeightValue = CInt(1000 * (1000 / DPI)) Factor = (CurrentValue * 1000) Mod WeightValue If Factor <> 0 Then XPixles = CInt(CurrentValue + ((WeightValue - Factor) / 1000)) Else XPixles = CInt(CurrentValue) End If CanvasCurrentX = TextControlName.Left CanvasTop = TextControlName.Top CanvasHeight = TextControlName.Height CanvasCurrentY = CanvasTop CanvasWidth = TextControlName.Width TextControlName.Visible = False XPixles = (CanvasWidth / maxX) For j1 = 0 To maxY '- 1 If Orientation = 0 Then CanvasCurrentX = TextControlName.Left For i1 = 0 To maxX '- 1 If resultBitmap(i1, j1) = 0 Then ReportControlName.Line (CanvasCurrentX, CanvasCurrentY)-Step(XPixles, -XPixles), 16777215, BF Else ReportControlName.Line (CanvasCurrentX, CanvasCurrentY)-Step(XPixles, -XPixles), 0, BF End If CanvasCurrentX = CanvasCurrentX + XPixles Next i1 CanvasCurrentY = CanvasCurrentY + XPixles End If Next j1 On Error GoTo 0 lbFinally: If Not colPoints Is Nothing Then Set colPoints = Nothing End If End Sub Módulo: modQR Option Compare Database Option Explicit '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-crea-codigos-qr-sin-conexion-a-internet/ '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Título : modQR ' Autor original : Alba Salvá ' Adaptado : desde lenguaje C por Alba Salvá ' Creado : 2010 ' Propósito : generación de códigos QR '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim ruta As String Function qr_gen(ptext As String, poptions As String) As String Dim encoded1() As Byte ' byte mode (ASCII) -- max 3200 bytes Dim encix1 As Integer Dim ecx_cnt(3) As Integer Dim ecx_pos(3) As Integer Dim ecx_poc(3) As Integer Dim eb(20, 4) As Integer Dim ascimatrix As String, mode As String, err As String Dim ecl As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer, mask As Integer, utf8 As Integer, ebcnt As Integer Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, m As Long Dim ch As Integer, s As Integer, siz As Integer Dim x As Boolean Dim qrarr() As Byte 'Matriz final Dim qrpos As Integer Dim qrp(15) As Integer ' 1:version,2:size,3:ccs,4:ccb,5:totby,6-12:syncs(7),13-15:versinfo(3) Dim qrsync1(1 To 8) As Byte Dim qrsync2(1 To 5) As Byte ascimatrix = "" err = "" mode = "M" i = InStr(poptions, "mode=") If i > 0 Then mode = Mid(poptions, i + 5, 1) ' M=0,L=1,H=2,Q=3 ecl = InStr("MLHQ", mode) - 1 If ecl < 0 Then mode = "M": ecl = 0 If ptext = "" Then err = "Not data" Exit Function End If For i = 1 To 3 ecx_pos(i) = 0 ecx_cnt(i) = 0 ecx_poc(i) = 0 Next i ebcnt = 1 utf8 = 0 For i = 1 To Len(ptext) + 1 If i > Len(ptext) Then k = -5 Else k = AscL(Mid(ptext, i, 1)) If k >= &H1FFFFF Then ' FFFF - 1FFFFFFF m = 4 k = -1 ElseIf k >= &H7FF Then ' 7FF-FFFF 3 bytes m = 3 k = -1 ElseIf k >= 128 Then m = 2 k = -1 Else m = 1 k = InStr(QRalnum, Mid(ptext, i, 1)) - 1 End If End If If (k < 0) Then If ecx_cnt(1) >= 9 Or (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(1) = ecx_cnt(3)) Then If (ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1)) >= 8 Or (ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(2)) Then If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1 ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ElseIf ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(1) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(1) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If ElseIf (ecx_cnt(2) >= 8) Or (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(2) = ecx_cnt(3)) Then If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1 ecx_cnt(3) = 0 ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ElseIf (k = -5 And ecx_cnt(3) > 0) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If End If If k = -5 Then Exit For If (k >= 0) Then If (k >= 10 And ecx_cnt(1) >= 12) Then If (ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1)) >= 8 Or (ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(2)) Then If (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(2)) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(2) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If eb(ebcnt, 1) = 2 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(2) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(2) - ecx_cnt(1) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(2) = ecx_poc(2) + 1 ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ElseIf (ecx_cnt(3) > ecx_cnt(1)) Then eb(ebcnt, 1) = 3 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(3) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(3) - ecx_cnt(1) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(3) = ecx_poc(3) + 1 End If eb(ebcnt, 1) = 1 eb(ebcnt, 2) = ecx_pos(1) eb(ebcnt, 3) = ecx_cnt(1) ebcnt = ebcnt + 1 ecx_poc(1) = ecx_poc(1) + 1 ecx_cnt(1) = 0 ecx_cnt(2) = 0 ecx_cnt(3) = 0 End If If ecx_cnt(2) = 0 Then ecx_pos(2) = i ecx_cnt(2) = ecx_cnt(2) + 1 Else ecx_cnt(2) = 0 End If If k >= 0 And k < 10 Then If ecx_cnt(1) = 0 Then ecx_pos(1) = i ecx_cnt(1) = ecx_cnt(1) + 1 Else ecx_cnt(1) = 0 End If If ecx_cnt(3) = 0 Then ecx_pos(3) = i ecx_cnt(3) = ecx_cnt(3) + m utf8 = utf8 + m If ebcnt >= 16 Then ecx_cnt(1) = 0 ecx_cnt(2) = 0 End If Next ebcnt = ebcnt - 1 c = 0 For i = 1 To ebcnt Select Case eb(i, 1) Case 1: eb(i, 4) = Int(eb(i, 3) / 3) * 10 + (eb(i, 3) Mod 3) * 3 + IIf((eb(i, 3) Mod 3) > 0, 1, 0) Case 2: eb(i, 4) = Int(eb(i, 3) / 2) * 11 + (eb(i, 3) Mod 2) * 6 Case 3: eb(i, 4) = eb(i, 3) * 8 End Select c = c + eb(i, 4) Next i Call qr_params(c, ecl, qrp, ecx_poc) If qrp(1) <= 0 Then err = "Too long" Exit Function End If siz = qrp(2) ReDim encoded1(qrp(5) + 2) ' mode indicator (1=num,2=AlNum,4=Byte,8=kanji,ECI=7) ' mode: Byte Alhanum Numeric Kanji ' ver 1..9 : 8 9 11 8 ' 10..26 : 16 11 12 10 ' 27..40 : 16 13 14 12 encix1 = 0 For i = 1 To ebcnt Select Case eb(i, 1) Case 1: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 10, IIf(qrp(1) < 27, 12, 14)): k = 2 ^ c + eb(i, 3) Case 2: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 9, IIf(qrp(1) < 27, 11, 13)): k = 2 * (2 ^ c) + eb(i, 3) Case 3: c = IIf(qrp(1) < 10, 8, 16): k = 4 * (2 ^ c) + eb(i, 3) End Select Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, k, c + 4) j = 0 m = eb(i, 2) r = 0 While j < eb(i, 3) k = AscL(Mid(ptext, m, 1)) m = m + 1 If eb(i, 1) = 1 Then r = (r * 10) + ((k - &H30) Mod 10) If (j Mod 3) = 2 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 10) r = 0 End If j = j + 1 ElseIf eb(i, 1) = 2 Then r = (r * 45) + ((InStr(QRalnum, Chr(k)) - 1) Mod 45) If (j Mod 2) = 1 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 11) r = 0 End If j = j + 1 Else If k > &H1FFFFF Then ' FFFF - 1FFFFFFF ch = &HF0 + Int(k / &H40000) Mod 8 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + Int(k / &H1000) Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + Int(k / 64) Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + k Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) j = j + 4 ElseIf k > &H7FF Then ' 7FF-FFFF 3 bytes ch = &HE0 + Int(k / &H1000) Mod 16 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + Int(k / 64) Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + k Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) j = j + 3 ElseIf k > &H7F Then ' 2 bytes ch = &HC0 + Int(k / 64) Mod 32 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) ch = 128 + k Mod 64 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) j = j + 2 Else ch = k Mod 256 Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, ch, 8) j = j + 1 End If End If Wend Select Case eb(i, 1) Case 1: If (j Mod 3) = 1 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 4) ElseIf (j Mod 3) = 2 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 7) End If Case 2: If (j Mod 2) = 1 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, r, 6) End Select Next i Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, 0, 4) If (encix1 Mod 8) <> 0 Then Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, 0, 8 - (encix1 Mod 8)) End If i = (qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4)) * 8 If encix1 > i Then err = "Encode length error" Exit Function End If Do While encix1 < i Call bb_putbits(encoded1, encix1, &HEC11, 16) Loop i = qrp(3) * qrp(4) Call qr_rs(&H11D, encoded1, qrp(5) - i, i, qrp(4)) encix1 = qrp(5) ReDim qrarr(0) ReDim qrarr(1, qrp(2) * 24& + 24&) qrarr(0, 0) = 0 ch = 0 Call bb_putbits(qrsync1, ch, Array(&HFE, &H82, &HBA, &HBA, &HBA, &H82, &HFE, 0), 64) Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, 0, 0) Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, 8, 0) Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, 0, siz - 7) Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, 8, siz - 8) Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync1, 8, siz - 7, 0) Call qr_mask(qrarr, 0, 8, siz - 8, 0) For i = 0 To 6 x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, 8, 0) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, siz - 8, 0) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 1 - i, 8, 0) Next x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 7, 8, 0) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 7, siz - 8, 0) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 8, 8, 0) ' x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 8, 8, 1) If qrp(13) <> 0 Or qrp(14) <> 0 Then k = 65536 * qrp(13) + 256& * qrp(14) + 1& * qrp(15) c = 0: r = 0 For i = 0 To 17 ch = k Mod 2 x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, r, siz - 11 + c, ch) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, siz - 11 + c, r, ch) c = c + 1 If c > 2 Then c = 0: r = r + 1 k = Int(k / 2&) Next End If c = 1 For i = 8 To siz - 9 x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, i, 6, c) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 6, i, c) c = (c + 1) Mod 2 Next ch = 0 Call bb_putbits(qrsync2, ch, Array(&H1F, &H11, &H15, &H11, &H1F), 40) ch = 6 Do While ch > 0 And qrp(6 + ch) = 0 ch = ch - 1 Loop If ch > 0 Then For c = 0 To ch For r = 0 To ch If (c <> 0 Or r <> 0) And _ (c <> ch Or r <> 0) And _ (c <> 0 Or r <> ch) Then Call qr_mask(qrarr, qrsync2, 5, qrp(r + 6) - 2, qrp(c + 6) - 2) End If Next r Next c End If Call qr_fill(qrarr, siz, encoded1, qrp(4), qrp(5) - qrp(3) * qrp(4), qrp(5)) mask = 8 i = InStr(poptions, "mask=") If i > 0 Then mask = Val(Mid(poptions, i + 5, 1)) If mask < 0 Or mask > 7 Then j = -1 For mask = 0 To 7 GoSub addmm i = qr_xormask(qrarr, siz, mask, False) If i < j Or j = -1 Then j = i: s = mask Next mask mask = s End If GoSub addmm i = qr_xormask(qrarr, siz, mask, True) ascimatrix = "" For r = 0 To siz Step 2 s = 0 For c = 0 To siz Step 2 If (c Mod 8) = 0 Then ch = qrarr(1, s + 24 * r) If r < siz Then i = qrarr(1, s + 24 * (r + 1)) Else i = 0 s = s + 1 End If ascimatrix = ascimatrix & Chr(97 + (ch Mod 4) + 4 * (i Mod 4)) ch = Int(ch / 4) i = Int(i / 4) Next ascimatrix = ascimatrix & vbNewLine Next r ReDim qrarr(0) qr_gen = ascimatrix Exit Function addmm: k = ecl * 8 + mask Call qr_bch_calc(k, &H537) k = k Xor &H5412 r = 0 c = siz - 1 For i = 0 To 14 ch = k Mod 2 k = Int(k / 2) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, r, 8, ch) x = qr_bit(qrarr, -1, 8, c, ch) c = c - 1 r = r + 1 If i = 7 Then c = 7: r = siz - 7 If i = 5 Then r = r + 1 If i = 8 Then c = c - 1 Next Return End Function Sub qr_params(ByVal pcap As Long, ByVal ecl As Integer, ByRef rv As Variant, ByRef ecx_poc As Variant) Dim siz As Integer, totby As Long, s As String, i As Long, syncs As Integer, ccsiz As Integer, ccblks As Integer, j As Long, ver As Integer If ecl < 0 Or ecl > 3 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To UBound(rv): rv(i) = 0: Next i j = Int((pcap + 18 * ecx_poc(1) + 17 * ecx_poc(2) + 20 * ecx_poc(3) + 7) / 8) If ecl = 0 And j > 2334 Or _ ecl = 1 And j > 2956 Or _ ecl = 2 And j > 1276 Or _ ecl = 3 And j > 1666 Then Exit Sub End If j = Int((pcap + 14 * ecx_poc(1) + 13 * ecx_poc(2) + 12 * ecx_poc(3) + 7) / 8) For ver = 1 To 40 If ver = 10 Then j = Int((pcap + 16 * ecx_poc(1) + 15 * ecx_poc(2) + 20 * ecx_poc(3) + 7) / 8) If ver = 27 Then j = Int((pcap + 18 * ecx_poc(1) + 17 * ecx_poc(2) + 20 * ecx_poc(3) + 7) / 8) siz = 4 * ver + 17 i = (ver - 1) * 12 + ecl * 3 s = Mid("D01A01K01G01J01D01V01P01T01I01P02L02L02N01J04T02R02T01P04L04J04L02V04R04L04N02T05L06P04R02T06P06P05X02R08N08T05L04V08R08X05N04R11V08P08R04V11T10P09T04P16R12R09X04R16N16R10P06R18X12V10R06X16R17V11V06V19V16T13X06V21V18T14V07T25T21T16V08V25X20T17V08X25V23V17V09R34X23V18X09X30X25V20X10X32X27V21T12X35X29V23V12X37V34V25X12X40X34V26X13X42X35V28X14X45X38V29X15X48X40V31X16X51X43V33X17X54X45V35X18X57X48V37X19X60X51V38X19X63X53V40X20X66X56V43X21X70X59V45X22X74X62V47X24X77X65V49X25X81X68" _ , i + 1, 3) ccsiz = AscL(Left(s, 1)) - 65 + 7 ccblks = Val(Right(s, 2)) If ver = 1 Then syncs = 0 totby = 26 Else syncs = ((Int(ver / 7) + 2) ^ 2) - 3 totby = siz - 1 totby = ((totby ^ 2) / 8) - (3& * syncs) - 24 If ver > 6 Then totby = totby - 4 If syncs = 1 Then totby = totby - 1 End If If totby - ccsiz * ccblks >= j Then Exit For Next If ver > 1 Then syncs = Int(ver / 7) + 2 rv(6) = 6 rv(5 + syncs) = siz - 7 If syncs > 2 Then i = Int((siz - 13) / 2 / (syncs - 1) + 0.7) * 2 rv(7) = rv(5 + syncs) - i * (syncs - 2) If syncs > 3 Then For j = 3 To syncs - 1 rv(5 + j) = rv(4 + j) + i Next End If End If End If rv(1) = ver rv(2) = siz rv(3) = ccsiz: rv(4) = ccblks rv(5) = totby If ver >= 7 Then i = ver Call qr_bch_calc(i, &H1F25) rv(13) = Int(i / 65536) rv(14) = Int(i / 256&) Mod 256 rv(15) = i Mod 256 End If End Sub Sub qr_rs(ppoly As Integer, pmemptr As Variant, ByVal psize As Integer, ByVal plen As Integer, ByVal pblocks As Integer) Dim v_x As Integer, v_y As Integer, v_z As Integer, v_a As Integer, v_b As Integer Dim pa As Integer, pb As Integer, rp As Integer Dim v_last As Integer, v_bs As Integer, v_b2c As Integer Dim vpo As Integer, vdo As Integer, v_es As Integer Dim poly(512) As Byte Dim v_ply() As Byte v_x = 1: v_y = 0 For v_y = 0 To 255 poly(v_y) = v_x poly(v_x + 256) = v_y v_x = v_x * 2 If v_x > 255 Then v_x = v_x Xor ppoly Next For v_x = 1 To plen pmemptr(v_x + psize) = 0 Next v_b2c = pblocks v_bs = Int(psize / pblocks) v_es = Int(plen / pblocks) v_x = psize Mod pblocks v_b2c = pblocks - v_x ReDim v_ply(v_es + 1) v_z = 0 v_ply(1) = 1 v_x = 2 Do While v_x <= v_es + 1 v_ply(v_x) = v_ply(v_x - 1) v_y = v_x - 1 Do While v_y > 1 pb = poly(v_z) pa = v_ply(v_y): GoSub rsprod v_ply(v_y) = v_ply(v_y - 1) Xor rp v_y = v_y - 1 Loop pa = v_ply(1): pb = poly(v_z): GoSub rsprod v_ply(1) = rp v_z = v_z + 1 v_x = v_x + 1 Loop For v_b = 0 To (pblocks - 1) vpo = v_b * v_es + 1 + psize vdo = v_b * v_bs + 1 If v_b > v_b2c Then vdo = vdo + v_b - v_b2c v_x = 0 v_z = v_bs If v_b >= v_b2c Then v_z = v_z + 1 Do While v_x < v_z pa = pmemptr(vpo) Xor pmemptr(vdo + v_x) v_y = vpo v_a = v_es Do While v_a > 0 pb = v_ply(v_a): GoSub rsprod If v_a = 1 Then pmemptr(v_y) = rp Else pmemptr(v_y) = pmemptr(v_y + 1) Xor rp End If v_y = v_y + 1 v_a = v_a - 1 Loop v_x = v_x + 1 Loop Next Exit Sub rsprod: rp = 0 If pa > 0 And pb > 0 Then rp = poly((0& + poly(256 + pa) + poly(256 + pb)) Mod 255&) Return End Sub Sub qr_mask(parr As Variant, pb As Variant, ByVal pbits As Integer, ByVal pr As Integer, ByVal pc As Integer) Dim i As Integer, w As Long, r As Integer, c As Integer, j As Integer Dim x As Boolean If pbits > 8 Or pbits < 1 Then Exit Sub r = pr: c = pc w = VarType(pb) If w = 17 Or w = 2 Or w = 3 Or w = 5 Then w = Int(pb) i = 2 ^ (pbits - 1) Do While i > 0 x = qr_bit(parr, -1, r, c, w And i) c = c + 1 i = Int(i / 2) Loop ElseIf InStr("Integer(),Byte(),Long(),Variant()", TypeName(pb)) > 0 Then For j = LBound(pb) To UBound(pb) w = Int(pb(j)) i = 2 ^ (pbits - 1) c = pc Do While i > 0 x = qr_bit(parr, -1, r, c, w And i) c = c + 1 i = Int(i / 2) Loop r = r + 1 Next End If End Sub Function qr_bit(parr As Variant, ByVal psiz As Integer, _ ByVal prow As Integer, ByVal pcol As Integer, _ ByVal pbit As Integer) As Boolean Dim ix As Integer, va As Integer, r As Integer, c As Integer, s As Integer r = prow c = pcol qr_bit = False ix = r * 24 + Int(c / 8) If ix > (UBound(parr, 2)) Or ix < 0 Then Exit Function c = 2 ^ (c Mod 8) va = parr(0, ix) If psiz > 0 Then If (va And c) = 0 Then If pbit <> 0 Then parr(1, ix) = parr(1, ix) Or c qr_bit = True Else qr_bit = False End If Else qr_bit = True parr(1, ix) = parr(1, ix) And (255 - c) If pbit > 0 Then parr(1, ix) = parr(1, ix) Or c If psiz < 0 Then parr(0, ix) = parr(0, ix) Or c End If End Function Sub qr_fill(parr As Variant, ByVal psiz As Integer, pb As Variant, ByVal pblocks As Integer, ByVal pdlen As Integer, ByVal ptlen As Integer) Dim vx As Integer, vb As Integer, vy As Integer, vdnlen As Integer, vds As Integer, ves As Integer, c As Integer, r As Integer, wa As Integer, wb As Integer, w As Integer, smer As Integer, vsb As Integer vds = Int(pdlen / pblocks) ves = Int((ptlen - pdlen) / pblocks) vdnlen = vds * pblocks vsb = pblocks - (pdlen Mod pblocks) c = psiz - 1: r = c smer = 0 ' 1 <- 0 10 3 <- 2 32 vb = 1: w = pb(1): vx = 0 Do While c >= 0 And vb <= ptlen If qr_bit(parr, psiz, r, c, (w And 128)) Then vx = vx + 1 If vx = 8 Then GoSub qrfnb vx = 0 Else w = (w * 2) Mod 256 End If End If Select Case smer Case 0, 2 c = c - 1 smer = smer + 1 Case 1 If r = 0 Then c = c - 1 If c = 6 And psiz >= 21 Then c = c - 1 smer = 2 Else c = c + 1 r = r - 1 smer = 0 End If Case 3 If r = (psiz - 1) Then c = c - 1 If c = 6 And psiz >= 21 Then c = c - 1 smer = 0 Else c = c + 1 r = r + 1 smer = 2 End If End Select Loop Exit Sub qrfnb: If vb < pdlen Then wa = vb If vb >= vdnlen Then wa = wa + vsb End If wb = wa Mod pblocks wa = Int(wa / pblocks) If wb > vsb Then wa = wa + wb - vsb w = pb(1 + vds * wb + wa) ElseIf vb < ptlen Then wa = vb - pdlen wb = wa Mod pblocks wa = Int(wa / pblocks) w = pb(1 + pdlen + ves * wb + wa) End If vb = vb + 1 Return End Sub ' Negro si 0: (c+r) mod 2 = 0 4: ((r div 2) + (c div 3)) mod 2 = 0 ' 1: r mod 2 = 0 5: (c*r) mod 2 + (c*r) mod 3 = 0 ' 2: c mod 3 = 0 6: ((c*r) mod 2 + (c*r) mod 3) mod 2 = 0 ' 3: (c+r) mod 3 = 0 7: ((c+r) mod 2 + (c*r) mod 3) mod 2 = 0 Function qr_xormask(parr As Variant, ByVal siz As Integer, ByVal pmod As Integer, ByVal final As Boolean) As Long Dim score As Long, bl As Long, rp As Long, rc As Long, c As Integer, r As Integer, m As Integer, ix As Integer, i As Integer, w As Integer Dim warr() As Byte Dim cols() As Long ReDim warr(siz * 24) For r = 0 To siz - 1 m = 1 ix = 24 * r warr(ix) = parr(1, ix) For c = 0 To siz - 1 If (parr(0, ix) And m) = 0 Then Select Case pmod Case 0: i = (c + r) Mod 2 Case 1: i = r Mod 2 Case 2: i = c Mod 3 Case 3: i = (c + r) Mod 3 Case 4: i = (Int(r / 2) + Int(c / 3)) Mod 2 Case 5: i = (c * r) Mod 2 + (c * r) Mod 3 Case 6: i = ((c * r) Mod 2 + (c * r) Mod 3) Mod 2 Case 7: i = ((c + r) Mod 2 + (c * r) Mod 3) Mod 2 End Select If i = 0 Then warr(ix) = warr(ix) Xor m End If If m = 128 Then m = 1 If final Then parr(1, ix) = warr(ix) ix = ix + 1 warr(ix) = parr(1, ix) Else m = m * 2 End If Next c If m <> 128 And final Then parr(1, ix) = warr(ix) Next r If final Then qr_xormask = 0 Exit Function End If score = 0: bl = 0 ReDim cols(1, siz) rp = 0: rc = 0 For r = 0 To siz - 1 m = 1 ix = 24 * r rp = 0: rc = 0 For c = 0 To siz - 1 rp = (rp And &H3FF) * 2 cols(1, c) = (cols(1, c) And &H3FF) * 2 If (warr(ix) And m) <> 0 Then If rc < 0 Then If rc <= -5 Then score = score - 2 - rc rc = 0 End If rc = rc + 1 If cols(0, c) < 0 Then If cols(0, c) <= -5 Then score = score - 2 - cols(0, c) cols(0, c) = 0 End If cols(0, c) = cols(0, c) + 1 rp = rp Or 1 cols(1, c) = cols(1, c) Or 1 bl = bl + 1 Else If rc > 0 Then If rc >= 5 Then score = score - 2 + rc rc = 0 End If rc = rc - 1 If cols(0, c) > 0 Then If cols(0, c) >= 5 Then score = score - 2 + cols(0, c) cols(0, c) = 0 End If cols(0, c) = cols(0, c) - 1 End If If c > 0 And r > 0 Then i = rp And 3 If (cols(1, c - 1) And 3) >= 2 Then i = i + 8 If (cols(1, c) And 3) >= 2 Then i = i + 4 If i = 0 Or i = 15 Then score = score + 3 End If End If If c >= 10 And (rp = &H5D Or rp = &H5D0) Then score = score + 40 End If If r >= 10 And (cols(1, c) = &H5D Or cols(1, c) = &H5D0) Then score = score + 40 End If If m = 128 Then m = 1 ix = ix + 1 Else m = m * 2 End If Next If rc <= -5 Then score = score - 2 - rc If rc >= 5 Then score = score - 2 + rc Next For c = 0 To siz - 1 If cols(0, c) <= -5 Then score = score - 2 - cols(0, c) If cols(0, c) >= 5 Then score = score - 2 + cols(0, c) Next bl = Int(Abs((bl * 100&) / (siz * siz) - 50&) / 5) * 10 qr_xormask = score + bl End Function Sub qr_bch_calc(ByRef Data As Long, ByVal poly As Long) Dim b As Integer, n As Integer, rv As Long, x As Long b = qr_numbits(poly) - 1 If Data = 0 Then Exit Sub End If x = Data * 2 ^ b rv = x Do n = qr_numbits(rv) If n <= b Then Exit Do rv = rv Xor (poly * 2 ^ (n - b - 1)) Loop Data = x + rv End Sub Function qr_numbits(ByVal num As Long) As Integer Dim n As Integer, a As Long a = 1: n = 0 Do While a <= num a = a * 2 n = n + 1 Loop qr_numbits = n End Function Módulo: modVars Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Const QRalnum As String = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:" Módulo de clase: clsPoint Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public x As Long Public y As Long Public Value As Byte Private Sub Class_Initialize() Value = 1 End Sub Módulo de clase: clsQRCodeEncoder Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public ERROR_CORRECTION As enuERROR_CORRECTION Public ENCODE_MODE As Byte
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