VBA: métodos CreateReport y CreateForm
06/06/2023VBA: captura de firma
Public Function ExtractEmailAddress(strData As String, _
Optional strDelim As String = ",") As String
' Fuente : https://access-global.net/vba-extraer-email-de-una-cadena-de-texto/
' Destello formativo 336
' Título : ExtractEmailAddress
' Autor original : thedbguy | http://www.accessmvp.com/thedbguy
' Creado : junio 2015
' Propósito : extraer una dirección de mail de una cadena de texto
' Argumento : la sintaxis de la función consta de los siguientes argumentos:
' Parte Modo Descripción
' strData Obligatorio cadena de texto que contiene el email
' strDelim Opcional delimitador de cada bloque de texto en la cadena
' Referencias : https://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html
' https://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_regexp.php
' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/regular-expression-language-quick-reference
' Test: : Para adaptar este código en tu aplicación puedes basarte en este procedimiento test. Copiar el bloque siguiente al
' portapapeles y pega en el editor de VBA. Descomentar la línea que nos interese y pulsar F5 para ver su funcionamiento.
'Private Sub btnQRTest_Click()
'Dim resultado As String
' resultado = ExtraeEmail("Pedro Martínez, C/calle de pedro 23, 2, 46015 Valencia, pedro@webdepedro.com, 666 666 666")
' End Sub
Dim regEx As Object
Dim regExMatch As Object
Dim var As Variant
Dim strEmail As String
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx
'Three properties are available for the RegExp object:
'Global: if TRUE, find all matches, if FALSE find only the first match
.Global = True
'IgnoreCase: if TRUE perform a case-insensitive search, if FALSE perform a case-sensitive search
.IgnoreCase = True
'Pattern: the RegExp pattern to search for
.Pattern = "b[0-9A-Z._%+-]+@[0-9A-Z.-]+.[A-Z]{2,3}b"
'Execute method: returns an object with the following properties:
' Count: the number of matches found in teststring (maximum is 1 if .Global = False)
' Item: the matches themselves as objects, each with the following properties:
' FirstIndex: the location of the matching substring in teststring
' Length : the length of the matching substring
' SubMatches: if parentheses were used in the pattern: the matching pieces of the pattern between sets of parentheses as objects, each with the following properties:
' Count: the number of submatches found in the match
' Item : the string value of the submatch
' value: the string value of the match
'Another methods: test, replace
Set regExMatch = .Execute(strData)
For Each var In regExMatch
strEmail = strEmail & strDelim & var
Set regExMatch = Nothing
End With
ExtractEmailAddress = Mid(strEmail, Len(strDelim) + 1)
Set regEx = Nothing
End Function